This selection of web hosting packages is what most of our Australian customers want. Web hosting must be affordable and professional, dependable and filled with features. So have a look at our three web hosting packages and choose the one that suits your web space requirements best.
Typically, small businesses need a few email addresses, a few megs of web space and that is all. Our entry package is the ideal offer for those businesses at a great price. You pay 6 months in advance $149 AUD and receive the best deal imaginable:
Our customers from the medium-sized business world need more space for web hosting. And possibilities to use a programming language such as PHP for interactivity and forms processing. With us you get for only $249 AUD per 6 months all this:
Big business needs a lot of web space. For only $449 AUD per 6 months this package is designed for the exporter to Europe, the US or Asia. Look at all these features!
Only in the Big Business Web Hosting Package do you have a free Australian domain name included. For the other web hosting packages you need to also register an Australian domain. We can do that for you for only $99 AUD per year, payable for two years in advance.